This is for Ubuntu Home Server
Install Samba Service
sudo apt install samba
Make a folder to share over Samba Server
- This can be any folder in the file system
- Just remember the path
Edit the Samba config
- open the Samba config
sudo vim /etc/samba/smb.conf
- Add the following config in the file at the end
[<url path>] comment = Samba Service Description on Ubuntu path = <path to the folder created from root> read only = no browsable = yes
- Save the file using vim command
- Start the server
sudo service smbd start
Add a Samba user
sudo smbpasswd -a <user_name>
- add a password in the following screen
- Please note that user name should already be a unix user on the Ubuntu machine
Using the server on windows or mac
- Open a network drive
//<ip address/<url path in the config>
At this point you should be able to access the shared Samba drive
Add to the startup services
sudo update-rc.d smbd defaults