Adieu ThoughtSpot! Hello Notion!

May 22, 2024
Chetan Agrawal
After 5 years of amazing journey with ThoughtSpot, I have decided to now pursue a role which is personally very exciting for me.
I have joined the CX Engineering Team at Notion. This is a new team in Notion and is going to focus on enhancing Customer Experience for Notion's customer. A step towards Enterprise Readiness for Notion.

Why Notion?

Productivity has always been close to my heart. How do I get better at what I do is something that keeps me on my toes every single day. For past 4 years or so, Notion as a product has helped me manage my work and life in various ways. I am a borderline fanboy of Notion. This very site is powered by Notion. Building the same from inside and driving its usage for large teams and organization, will only help me learn more about productivity as an area.
Customer Obsession and Value Creation is something I try to keep in perspective in whatever I do. I believe this trait is something that I keep from my early days at Amazon. With this role, I believe I ll be also driving the same for the company with a much larger picture.
This would be one of the first times that I would be working on an initiative within a company from ground up. Along with this, I also get to work with Business Leaders directly to help define a north star for the area and drive business value in parallel. This is a new horizon for me and is particularly interesting and exciting at the same time.

Remembering ThoughtSpot Journey!

I joined TS after we decided to move on from my startup, which we were running for past 4 years back in 2019. It was a hard time for me both personally and professionally. I was about to get married after shutting down the company and then join TS.
I was very fortunate to have a amazing mentors from very start to help me, guide me and also push me to go beyond my boundaries. I built 3 teams from scratch and also worked on some of the biggest projects in the company like V2 transition(Angular to React with a new BFF layer) and Bring your own Charts. My transition from IC to EM and then back to IC, gave me a perspective of what I really want to do going forward and also plan my career trajectory better.
I am forever grateful for all help and support I got from the team at ThoughtSpot. Working with some of the smartest people in the industry has taught me a lot of things and has helped me become a better engineer and a better person.
Onward and upward!