#!/bin/bash # Your Telegram Bot Token (replace with your bot token) BOT_TOKEN="your_bot_token_here" # Your Telegram Chat ID (replace with your chat ID) CHAT_ID="your_chat_id_here" # Get the public IP address PUBLIC_IP=$(curl -s https://api.ipify.org) # Create a message with the current public IP MESSAGE="Current public IP address is: $PUBLIC_IP" # Telegram API URL URL="https://api.telegram.org/bot$BOT_TOKEN/sendMessage" # Send the IP to Telegram curl -s -X POST $URL -d chat_id=$CHAT_ID -d text="$MESSAGE" echo "IP address sent to Telegram: $PUBLIC_IP"
Fetching the BOT_TOKEN
- Use botfather on telegram to create a new bot and get the bot token.
Fetching the CHAT_ID
curl https://api.telegram.org/bot<BOT_TOKEN>/getUpdates
This should share the list of latest chats and also the corresponding chat id for the chats.